So I met him on a Thursday and he took me out to eat at Saltgrass Steak House. I'm a big fan of wine so he wanted to get wine after eating. Did I mention he had now invited himself to stay with me in my hotel room? Umm yeah, so we went back to the room and I was ready to go to sleep. I didn't even want to drink the wine at this point. I get ready to go to sleep and get in the king sized bed. He decides that he's not tired yet so he sits on my bed and starts talking and flirting with me. I told him I was tired so I rolled over and acted like I was asleep already. He takes that as an invitation to lay down too. He thinks that I'm asleep so he puts his arm over me trying to cuddle or something. At this point, I'm wondering if this weekend will ever end and this is only the first night.
The next day, Friday, we go to the movies. Later, he wants to take a walk by the river that just happens to be outside of the hotel. Now, I'm a NOT the romantic "lovey dovey" type. It just happens to be at the end of AUGUST in TEXAS! Which means that it is at least 100 DEGREES! If anyone this this is actually a good idea, please let me know so that I can tell you that you are WRONG! It's way too hot and a stupid idea at that. We go back to the room after about 5 minutes and he wants to try the wine that I picked out so he attempts to open it. Right then I knew he wasn't a wine drinker. If you can't open the bottle right, you are very experienced at drinking it. Although, I was told by him that he loves wine. So I finally have to open the bottle for him. I have a glass and I start to freak out. He's trying to flirt and he's pretty "touchy feely" which I don't care for unless I actually like you. So I of course text my sister and tell her that this whole thing is really WEIRD! I have to leave the hotel room to go talk to her in the hall. We decided that I just needed to tell him that I just got out of a serious relationship and I just wasn't ready for this yet. Oh, did I mention that while I was telling him this, I'm a little emotionally disturbed? Yes, I was crying in a hotel room, drinking wine, and telling this guy that I don't like him. Maybe I'm the weird one... just a thought.
So the next day, we went to the concert. The concert was a blast even though it was at least 100 degrees with no shade and a lot of drunk people. Yes, he still took me to it even though I was not interested in him.
Since you don't know me, I need to tell you that I'm a huge Texas country music fan. The concert was outside of Billy Bob's with pretty much all TX country singers. Date #1 doesn't know much about TX country music even though he told me on the phone that he did. I'm sensing a pattern here. I think he was bored but I had a good time. While I was there, I just happen to run into a guy that I met while I was in high school. I think he's always had a thing for me... or maybe more so for my dad? (My life is weird.) He's a nice guy and I was happy to have someone else to talk to at this point. I also ran into another guy that I met in high school. So I had "Date #1", guy that likes my dad "M", and I'll call the 3rd guy "C" all talking to me at this concert. I was having a lot of fun, who wouldn't with 3 guys attention on you. At one point I got kind of quiet. It was probably 8:00 pm and we got to the concert at 12:00 pm. Remember that it was really hot and drinks were involved. I got tired so I stopped talking. Date #1 takes it upon himself to pull me over to the side away from M and C to make sure I'm okay. Get this, I'm really short so he bends over and puts his hands on his knees like a little league coach would do to a 5 year old and looks me in my eyes. He is really worried about me. I told him I was fine and started walking back to where M and C were.
After the concert we went back to the hotel room. He slept on the couch and I woke up super early to drive home. He called a few times after that but he finally got the hint that it wasn't going to work out with us.